NPI (Never Pressure Injury)
Develop the mattress with IoT technology sensor set inside.
Integrate with AI technology to process the information of patient behaviors.
Pressure indecator : Show where pressure spot which need attention.
Mobile Alert for nurse to change patient position
Record information behavior and Analyze with AI system
With Any Device
Web Application work in Any Browser. Not require to install application. User Friendly App for PC, Tablet and Mobile Phone.
Connect the NPI product just only use the Internet.
No Body Flipping
Alert for caregiver to help patient flipping to avoid pressure injury.
Online Update
Auto update software no need to update the system.
Automatic Calibration
No Need to Set up the Device.
Can use with any patient instant.
Blend with any Design
With sensor install hide in the mattress and it safe and smooth asthetic
Wireless Control
With Internet Connect function. Can Control the sensor setting from everywhere.
Work with Any Browse
Use web application technology
can work well with any browser on any device.
Standard / Testing
IEC 60950-1
Information technology equipment - safety
NPI Clinical Test
Real Clinical Test Project
NPI Hospital bed
Seamless Design
with no interupt the patient.
Auto Connect
when restart or unplug to change place
Can request the custom bed model*
Sound Alarm Available for Hospital use